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Learn about our Security Service Results

Strategic Security listens to your concerns and needs. Together, we create a plan to monitor the locations critical to your success.

  • Manpower light, taking advantage of automation
  • Integrate threat warnings into internal security or law enforcement channels
  • Monitor dozens, or even hundreds of locations
Case Study - Real Time Threat and Crime Tracking Landing Page

Responsiveness: What separates us apart from our competitors is our customer service and responsiveness that our clients and the FEMA COs, CORs and COTRs we have worked with can attest to.

Know Your Threats And Risks. Know Your Liabilities.

Without accurate intelligence, you can’t be prepared for a crisis. Strategic Security provides dynamic threat information and overwatch analysis to enable proactive response.

  • Identify real threats - ignore noise and chatter
  • Reduce wasteful false positives
  • Seamless integration of new threats via alerts or system prompts
"The officers assigned are excellent when it comes to deescalating situations and defuse the incident without any problems. They are always ready to assist FEMA employees to their full capacity."

B VALENCIA SCOTT, Disaster Recover Center Manager
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency

"Real time intelligence that assists us in maintaining our continuity of operations throughout the world while minimizing losses."

ALVIN COLLINS, Security Manager
McDonald’s Corporation

Red Cross
National Association for Search and Rescue
Small Business Administration
Federal Emergency
Management Agency